UK employment outlook
2020 has been a challenging year on many fronts. Not least in the UK employment market where the impact has already been huge, despite the extensive and commendable levels of support available from the UK Government. Sadly the position is expected to worsen during the early part of 2021, as the economy starts its slow recovery from C19 and the fall-out from Brexit.
With many people facing redundancy in the weeks and months ahead – including many of my old colleagues at Royal Mail, it’s important that we offer support where we can. Having experienced redundancy myself just over a year ago, I know that the immediate future will be dark and difficult for those who suddenly find themselves without work. It will be tough but please be assured that it will get better over time.
If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in this situation, then please don’t suffer in silence. If I can help in any way, then reach out to me via a pm on LinkedIn or drop me an email @ If nothing else, I promise to be a very good listener.